A Journal of Global Voices

Social sciences are the study of society and human behavior. Fundamental to understanding our role as community members, decision-makers, and Earth’s inhabitants, these studies are often underrepresented in the high school curricula. Culturator provides high school students with the tools and platforms to engage with topics in these sciences through our journal, Culturator: A Journal of Global Voices. We want to serve students through the publication of diverse voices in any branch of social science and provide a forum for the discussion of issues concerning society and humanity to ensure its dissemination to the world’s audience.  Culturator: A Journal of Global Voices publishes monthly electronically and prints a special edition of select articles for its biannual print publication in July and December.

This spring, we explore the theme of Systems.

In our daily lives, we are often oblivious to how subtly yet profoundly “systems” shape our actions and inactions. Systemic matters have complex origins. In negative contexts, they persist because inaction allows them to thrive. In positive contexts, they remain uncelebrated because silence masks their success. Through the power of words and the resolve of discourse, we transform whispers into dialogues.


Authors: Maggie Zhang, Yasmin Sudarsanam, and Hannah Jiang. Find full electronic version here.


Authors: Pranali Vora, Laura Li, Marissa D’Zio, Gloria Tang, Jenna Choy. Find full electronic version here.


Authors: Julia Hu, Jason Shim, and Mumtaz Cooper. Find full electronic version here.


Authors: Shaurya Gupta, Adrija Acharya, Nishita Sinha. Find full electronic version here.